Guest Book (May/June 1996)

On 25/5/96, Pamela Mulaskey ( from wrote:

"I liked this site. I had fun with paper, rock sissors. I had the vision in my mind to pick the other one when I got it wrong. I was furious with myself when I saw a vison of the paper wrapping the rock up. I didn't really know what the paper could do, so I picked the rock anyway thinking that the paper may really be kind of harmless. Then my rock got wrapped up. I knew about all of them but the first one in a vison. I don't listen inside very well sometimes. I would like to do this game more to get more in tune with myself. Thanks for the site, and the experiments."

On 26/5/96, M.F.G. Morris ( from wrote:

"This is a very well designed sight, and especially the way in which experiments are conducted over the internet - it is most impressive, and I wish the researcher good luck in analysing the data. If there are any postdoc research posts available, I should be most interested in receiving information - at present I am in the last months of writing up my ph.d. on reasoning. Thank you. "

On 26/5/96, Carl O. Tant ( from wrote:

"Congratulations on an interesing and helpful site! At Biotech Publishing we are in final preparation of Awesome Memory--The Neurochemistry of Learning as the third volume of our AWESOME SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY SERIES of current research reviews for laypersons. You can see more about it at our new web site still under construction: We are considering a future volume about parapsychology and are interested in contacting a qualified prospective author who can communicate at the advanced secondary to intro. college levels. Anyone interested? Thanks for your help."

On 28/5/96, Someone ( from wrote:

"Experiments with synchronicity of events have led to a breaking of the cipher in nature, a cipher which has tremendous implications....all of reality is a text... ready to be deciphered. I use a form of bibliomancy, the encyclopedia, since I read St. Augustine's method in The Confession. I have obtained specific answers to questions on a consistent basis. Furthermore, events that are outside the experience of "the experiment" space, for example, going somewhere else...and hours later...seem to mirror the issues of the question/answer frame. That is, I'll get answers, repeatedly for several days, manifested in variant synchronous events in my life. If one starts to pay attention to "coincidences" life becomes a "web of signification." I wonder if any one else has experienced this phenomenon. I am trying to remain as objective as possible, framing questions and structuring each session, to rationalize these events. They appear to defy laws of randomness and statistics. "

On 29/5/96, Someone from somewhere wrote:

"You have a very nice site. It's pretty, but it loads quickly. That's like having your cake and eating it, too. I was diagnosed schizophrenic in junior high. A total of three psychiatrists came to the same diagnosis. They didn't find any physical abnormalities, however. I could have lived without the spinal tap. Anyway, I have often wondered if my condition (from which I am recovered) was some kind of malfunction of psi. My im- pression is that schizophrenia is as poorly understood now as ever. Perhaps a new worldview is necessary to apprehend it. I wish you the best of luck in your work. I will be checking this website regularly, so keep it up."

On 18/6/96, Vandra Morgan ( from wrote:

"I do not own a computer as my house burned down a while back and I haven't yet replaced it. I am submitting documentation to your daily journal mostly because it meshes with my own attempt to keep track of what is currently happening in my life. I wrote about an interdimentional occurrence recently and I am wondering if you have any information re: this phenomena or if there is someone doing research regarding the subject? Thank you for the site, it is very interesting and very much a sign of the times."

On 18/6/96, Deanna Law from wrote:

"this is kewl!! I like the ESP parts, and the UFO stuff!!"

On 20/6/96, Rogelio Ivan Ortiz ( from wrote:

"I would like to see more information on the development (or results of the experiments) in your site. So far I have enjoyed it. I was a little curious about the online experiments -- I must say that it was a surprise to have been able to find the bell the first time. Well, its a cool site. :) -Rogelio"

On 20/6/96, Someone from visited.

On 20/6/96, Mike Nudd ( from wrote:

"Hi Glad to see that some people are doing some serious, OPENLY AVAILABLE work on the paranormal. I've found that many people are doing serious work, but most of it is hard to get hold of and to appreciate. Don't you find yourself limited by the rigid scientific framework? I understand that the lab is not condusive to psi effects. The mental, physical and emotional states all seem to add up quite importantly don't they? Also, do you find that the actual personal belief system and mindset of a subject actually plays an important role in the production of effects? Have you considered that the presence of anti-believers/debunkers actually cancels out any effects? The physics of the paranormal seems to be inherently slippery, doesn't it? Anyway, I'm a UG Astrophysics student at UCL, and I was wondering if you knew of any projects I could get involved in. I am pretty well-read, and I am in touch with contemporary esoteric media. I also have a few personal contacts, and I'm sure I could have something to contribute. If I can help in any way, let me know. Also, I'll be entering my third year of a masters degree, taking practical science and philosophy as options. Would it be possible to do a Phd in paranormal science in your department? I'd love to hear from you, All the best, Mike Nudd "

On 21/6/96, debra j macking ( from wrote:

"I find this web site to be very nice and useful. I am quite interested in parapsychology and hope to major in the field. "

On 22/6/96, Celeste from wrote:

"Great site! I didn┤t think I would find such a site. And located in Scotland too! I feel strongly for Scotland and its people and for parapsychology."

On 22/6/96, k luna (ken_ner@WOW.c0m) from visited.

On 23/6/96, Matthew J. Hunt ( from visited.

On 27/6/96, Tam Robson from wrote:

"This website looks extremely glossy! I am interested in parapsychology and will be able to explore more the next time I'm online. (The DNS server is being irritating and can only let me into ED sites "

On 27/6/96, Roy Wencenlat (Godiva county, West Midlands) from wrote:

"Wow! This site is great. The ESP! The PK! I tried one of the cool net experiments and guess what - my computer levitated! Unfortunately, my actual score on the PK test was abysmal. But who cares, everyone who's a hard scientist knows that PK is really precognition 'down the bitstream'. Whilst I'm here let me plug my new book, entitled 'Be psychic in 5 minutes' published by BOGUS PRESS.I shall also be publishing a sequel entitled 'Be psychic in 4 minutes' closely to be followed by 'Be psychic in 3 minutes'. Lastly, if there are any English people out there who didn't touch Uri Gellers 'Orange Spot' and think 'England will beat Germany' then shame on you. If it wasn't for your lack of faith WE would be in the finals against the Czechs and Moller would be crying over his Sauerkraut!"

On 28/6/96, Kelsey ( from wrote:

"I'm a 16-yr-old girl from Chicago, IL and I've become very interested in parapsychology and persuing a career in psychology in general. I found the information at this site very interesting. I'll be returning often."

On 29/6/96, Annie Oakley ( from wrote:

"thank you for inviting me to look around. enjoyed the tour Sincerely B. Hansen"